At Promo Punks, your satisfaction is our utmost priority. If you encounter an issue with our product, we kindly ask that you give us the opportunity to rectify the situation before requesting a refund. We are committed to resolving any concerns and ensuring your satisfaction.
In the event you still wish to pursue a refund, here's what you need to know: For us to thoroughly address your concerns and ensure fairness, we require the entire order to be returned for review. This process allows us to closely inspect the items and understand the nature of the issue.
To initiate a refund, please contact your Sales Punk and we organise the pick up of all ordered items. Once received, our team will promptly examine the order to verify the problem. If your refund request is approved after our review, we will process the refund accordingly. This policy helps us maintain high quality standards and improve production processes.
For additional details, we encourage you to review our Refund Policy.
Please note that refunds will not be issued for delays in delivery or logistical challenges that are caused by vendors or for production delays due to circumstances beyond Promo Punks'/Promo Media's control. The deadlines or delivery dates provided by us are estimations and they are not guaranteed.